Our Vision


We strive to hold our dominant role at power and energy industry sector and expand our engineering service worldwide by leaning on innovation, high technical knowledge, professional and motivated human resources. We are committed ourselves to the core values of society and business ethics and do our bests to step forward in order to accomplish our country’s eminent objectives.


In line with our country’s economic enhancement and PARS SAKHTAR CO. excellence and in order to create value for all stakeholders we, as an international contractor, engage in management, engineering, procurement and construction of facilities for power plant, high voltage substation and power transmission line projects inside the country and abroad.

Our core values

Safety: maintain a safe and healthy workforce for all employees

Innovation: Fostering the best ideas for production enhancement and effective project management

Quality: Belief in superior quality and constant improvement

Commitment and Engagement: commitment to business ethics, compliance with law and environmental protection

Organizational excellence: Stepping forward toward achieving company’s objective and organizational improvement